Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rays in the World Series!!!

I am so excited and surprised that the Rays are in the World Series. Only in the last few years have I really became a huge Rays fan. Before them I liked some team from GA that will remain nameless. A few years ago I saw the light.

Since the Rays have been in the playoffs I have been going out to watch every game and have been wearing my Rays jersey and hat. The only game I forgot to wear my hat was game 5 and we all know what happened then. Yikes.

Pretty Boy Davekos and I have been chatting recently since he is from Boston. My roommate in college is also from Boston, so I feel their pain. If it wasn't the Rays I would have been all for the Sox. As it happens the Rays are getting their time to shine. I can't wait. I am trying to make plans now to actually get to a game in Tampa. I definitely love their concession stand especially when they have the all you can eat section or dollar dog days. Of course when I go I will have to make sure I bring the hat.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

MLE Eater's Poll (October 2008)

Top 25 MLE Competitive Eaters

Rank. Eater's Name (First-place votes) (Points) [Previous Rank]

1. Joey "Jaws" Chestnut (9) (243) [1]
2. Patrick "Deep Dish" Bertoletti (237) [3]
3. Takeru Kobayashi (229) [2]
4. "Humble" Bob Shoudt (212) [4]
5. Hall "Hoover" Hunt (200) [7]
6. Tim “Eater-X” Janus (198) [5]
7. Rich "The Locust" LeFevre (177) [8]
8. Sonya “The Blackwidow” Thomas (174) [6]
9. Eric “Badlands” Booker (131) [13]
10. Juris “Dr. Bigtime” Shibayama (130) [14]
11. Crazy Legs Conti (128) [14]
12. Erik “The Red” Denmark (126) [10]
13. Tim “Gravy” Brown (121) [11]
14. Juliet Lee (112) [9]
15. Patrick Vandam (107) [12]
16. Pat Philbin (80) [18]
17. Allen “Shredder” Goldstein (69) [16]
18. “Pretty Boy” Pete Davekos (67) [21]
19. Micah "Wing Kong" Collins (62) [19]
20. “Buffalo” Jim Reeves (58) [25]
21. Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston (55) [20]
22. Arturo Rios (53) [17]
23. "Nasty" Nate Biller (46) [23]
24. Kevin Ross (38) [NR]
25. Brad Scuillo (33) [NR]

Also receiving votes: “Super” Paul Barlow, "Beautiful" Brian, US Male, Bruce “Hangman” Pobanz ( 1 first place vote), Rich Foley, Wild Bill, Mike Fitzgerald, Kevin Ross, Brian Subich, Syko Bozo, Domenico, SkinnyBoy, Larry McNeil, Kevin Carr, Chris “Mad Greek” Abatsas, Russ “Black Hole” Keeler, Damon Serigent, Bubba, Ben “Turtle” Griffith, Sean Gordon and Ron Koch.

The Eater's Poll Board of Voters is made up of competitive eaters and media that cover the sport. All are involved in participating or following IFOCE/MLE contests. The board for this month's edition of the Eater's Poll: Hall "Hoover" Hunt, "Humble" Bob Shoudt, Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston, Dave "U.S. Male" Goldstein, "Super" Paul Barlow, Tim "Eater-X" Janus, Andrew “Skinny Boy” Lane, “Sweet” Jill Stoler, “The Hangman” Bruce Pobanz, and ojrifkin.

***This article and the final totals of the votes do not solely reflect the thoughts or opinions of either Hall "Hoover" Hunt, or anyone else operating this website. All of the rankings and points are a compilation of all the votes from all the previously listed voters above and do not represent any single individuals thoughts or opinions. If you would like to participate in the next month's poll, please feel free to email me at HallHunt@comcast.net and I will add you to the reminder email list or just send in your votes to the same address at least a week before the end of each month with the subject line specifying what poll you are emailing in reference to.***

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Congratulations Rays!

Congratulations Rays! I have been rooting for you all season long and I am glad to see you kicking butt.

The Rays bleached the blackout at U.S. Cellular Field on Monday night by taking a 6-2 win over the White Sox in Game 4 of the AL Division Series to clinch the best-of-five series by a 3-1 margin.

(me at the Ray's FanFest this year. I had a great time. The Ray's fans and staff are awesome!)