Sweet Corn Saga

Corn Results?
1. Sonya Thomas: 32 1/2 ears (34 before deductions.)(I knew she would do well. I don't see her too often, so I am glad when I do.)
2. Joe Larue: 31 (or 31 1/2) (33 before deduc.) (Big man knows his corn. Local favorite.) (Ate on my left.)
3. Crazy Legs Conti: 30 (31 before deductions)(Good corn eater. Still has the record with 34.25!)
4. Hall Hunt: 29.5 (43 before deductions.)(My brother in law is a produce manager at Publix, so I bought two crates a week to practice for this contest (about 50 ears per crate)). I really wish I could have done better to make him and all my other friends and family who traveled with me proud. They say they are, but it still hurts.)
Justin Mih?
Billy Perry Jr?
Pat Bruss? (Ate on my right.)(The Doc did pretty good for his first corn contest. Don't know his total though.)
Mad Greek (very interesting and fun guy. I enjoyed talking to him a lot before the contest.)
Steve (local who has competed last 3 years)(Glad to see him compete! He is a great corn eater and only lives about 6 miles from the contest.)
Michael "Per Diem" Parish (This guy was in my first ever Nathan's qualifier in Pembroke Pines, FL. I was drinking root beer during the contest and accidentally knocked it over during my eating frenzy. As the contest was still going he reached over, picked it up and set it neatly stood it back up in front of me. How thoughtful is that?!? He is a great guy and always competes well in south Florida.
(Top picture is of my corn. The corn from the 8th Annual Sweet Corn Festival was delicious!)
(Bottom picture is a fine example of one of the top 3 finishers. Yum yum. Gotta love that corn.)
Great job Hall! You'll be back
to get them next time - Juliet
What? Those ears looked liked they are cleaned the same. I even think that Hall's are cleaner.
How in the heck did he get deducted so hard 13 1/2 ears of corn and the most the top 3 got deducted was 1 1/2 ears of corn?
I can only guess that some judge isn't a Gator fan. Or maybe they weren't expecting him to post pictures of the left over cobs.
What a shame.
I know that hurt feeling all too well, you did great though Hall.Dont worry, your hard work and persistance will keep paying off. Hope to see you at a contest soon. Take care
Your too nice bro. You need to tell that judge to recount. Maybe he meant to write 39.5 on your crate. You need to speak up and tell him to double check. That's crap. Next time if you don't speak up I will. I know you told me to chill, but I won't let that happen again. Sorry about all that, but I am in for the next trip to Charlotte or wherever.
Hey Hall it's Steve from the South Florida corn fiesta. You killed it bro, they hit you waaay to hard with deductions. Now you know how it feels to have your title blown!! The corn felt very rough this year and Justin Mih concurred.
I was on the other side of the Doc we tied eachother for 6th or whatever with 27 unofficial and 23 after deductions. My buddy Ahmed from work at the end ate 18. This was his first ever eating contest of any kind. We work in a hospital together and had no idea the other was eating.
But in the end I think you had one of the illest performances. I was psyched out, and completely dead by the 9th minute or so.
Although I must say, it was one of the greatest moments of my life to meet sonya thomas and hang with her a bit before the contest!
I'll see you next time!
-Juliet, thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it. Maybe next year, my third time will be the charm!
-anonymous, I saw things similar to you, but I don't make the decisions. It must have been a tough call for the judge to make.
-Natural. I appreciate the kind words. I can't go to another contest anytime soon. I am going up to NC this weekend to visit my grandmother who was just diagnosed with cancer. My next contest may not be until June 14 for Nathan's, but I hope I can make something else before then.
-Ethan, Thanks for coming with me to West Palm. I really did enjoy the trip despite the long ride home. Everything else was awesome and I can't wait for the next trip.
-Steve, I think you did pretty well yourself. I am glad you and your friend got to compete in the pro contest. I would have to agree with you that meeting Sonya is an awesome experience. I still remember when I met her in my first contest at Vienna sausage. I had read so much about her. Seeing how small she was in person truely boggled my mind as to how she could possibly eat so much. She is so nice and eager to talk to people too. Anyhow, I will more than likely see you next year. That is so far away though. We will see what happens between then and now. Good luck with any other eating contests you may do!
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